OF 1918

The influenza of 1918-1919, before the end and right after World War I (which killed 9 million men in 4 years), caused the death of at least 25 million people in one year.  This was no minor disease - everyone on the planet was at risk, and it most likely started in the U. S. of A. In one year, nearly twenty million cases were reported in the United States, accounting for almost one million deaths. The cause is still unknown, but is believed to have been a mutated swine virus. 

It all started on the morning of March 11, 1918 at Camp Funston, Kansas. A company cook named Albert Mitchell reported to the infirmary with typical flu-like symptoms - a low-grade fever, mild sore throat, slight headache, and muscle aches. Bed rest was recommended. By noon, 107 soldiers were sick. Within two days, 522 people were sick. Many were gravely ill with severe pneumonia. Then reports started coming in from other military bases around the country. Thousands of sailors docked off the East Coast were sick. Within a week, the influenza was hitting isolated places, such as the island of Alcatraz. Whatever the cause, it was clearly airborne. Within seven days, every state in the Union had been infected. Then it spread across the Atlantic. 

By April, French troops and civilians were infected. By mid-April, the disease had spread to China and Japan. By May, the virus was spread throughout Africa and South America. The actual killer was the pneumonia that accompanied the infection. In Philadelphia, 158 out of every 1000 people died. 148 out of 1000 in Baltimore. 109 out of 1000 in Washington, D. C.. Children would skip rope to the rhyme:

I had a little bird,
Its name was Enza.
I opened the window,
And in-flu-enza.

Doctors were baffled when they first came across the virus. They didn’t know what it was, however, they suggested some anti-flu precautions:

1. Wash inside nose with soap and water each night and morning

2. Force yourself to sneeze night and morning, then breathe deeply

3. Do not wear a muffler (a wooly scarf that was popular in those days)

4. Take  quick  walks regularly and walk home from work

5. Eat plenty of porridge

The good news (if there was any) was that the disease peaked within two to three weeks after showing up in a given city. It left as quickly as it arrived. 

The United States death toll was a total of 850,000 people, making it an area of the world that was least devastated by this virus. Sixty percent of the Eskimo population was wiped out in Nome, Alaska. 80-90% of the Samoan population was infected, many of the survivors dying from starvation (they lacked the energy to feed themselves). Luxury ocean liners from Europe would arrive in New York with 7% less passengers than they embarked with. The confined area of the ship was especially conducive to the spread of the disease. In the end, 25 million people had died. Some estimates put the number as high as 37 million. 

The influenza vaccine has proven to be effective in significantly reducing the more serious consequences of the influenza virus.

Eighteen months after the disease appeared, the flu bug vanished and has never shown up again. So what happened? Until recently, no one was really sure.  In March of 1997, the news broke that researchers at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D. C. had isolated genetic material from the virus. This was no easy task.  The living virus is no longer around.  It turns out that while conducting autopsies in 1918, Army doctors had preserved some specimens in formaldehyde.  One of these jars contained the lungs of a 21 year old soldier that died on September 26, 1918. Bingo! The researchers spent nearly two years extracting just seven percent of the genetic code, but the evidence gathered has provided a great wealth of information. It appears that the virus passed from birds to pigs and then to humans.  These are the deadliest of all viruses.  The viruses tend to remain stable in the birds, but occasionally they infect pigs. Of course, the pig immune system kicks into action and the virus is forced to mutate to survive.  Both the Asian flu (1957) and the Hong Kong flu (1968), which were not as deadly, mutated from pig viruses.