Topical Units and Vocabulary


These terms and concepts MUST be addressed in your paper.  Any term used in the paper must be bold, underlined, and italicized.


Unit 1: Nature and Perspectives
- Absolute/relative location
- Cultural landscape
- Diffusion - Expansion (contagious, hierarchical, and/or stimulus); Relocation diffusion - migrant
- Environmental determinism
- Intervening opportunity
- Region - formal, functional, perceptual (vernacular)
- Site and situation

Unit 2: Population
- Distance decay and/or intervening opportunities
- Distribution
- Immigration and/or emigration
- Laws of migration and/or gravity model (Ernst Ravenstein)
Population density - arithmetic, and/or physiologic
- Population structure (composition) - age-sex pyramids
- Push/pull factors - catalysts of migration
- Types of movement - cyclic, periodic, and/or  migratory

Unit 3: Cultural Geography
- Cultural diffusion
- Language
- Religion
- Folk culture and popular culture
- Globalization
- Race or ethnicity
- Acculturation, transculturation, or assimilation

Unit 4: Political Geography
- Boundary
- Centripetal and centrifugal forces
- Core-periphery
- Ethnonationalism
- Exclave or enclave
- Nation, State (or state), and/or Nation-state
- Supranationalism and/or devolution

Unit 5: Rural Geography
- Agriculture (agribusiness or commercial)
Economic activity - primary and/or secondary
- Economic activity - tertiary, quaternary, and/or quinary
- Functional differentiation
- Nucleated and/or dispersed settlement

Unit 6: Urban Geography
- CBD or central place
- Primate city or rank-size rule
- Mercantile, manufacturing, or modern city
- Postmodernism
- Urban hierarchy
- Hinterland
- Urban realm or edge city
- Functional specialization

Unit 7: Economic Geography
- Complementarity, intervening opportunity, or transferability
- Deindustrialization
- New international division of labor
- Time-space compression/ time-space convergence
- Tourism
- World City

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