Unit 7 Vocabulary: Industry and Services (Chapters 12 and 14)

Optional vocabulary is always due the day of the unit test (with the exception of the first two identifications, or unless otherwise specifically stated). The optional vocabulary is worth a maximum of 3 extra credit points. To receive full credit you must:
1) Define the term in your own words in one or two sentences (no more, no less);
2) Discuss the significance or importance of the vocabulary term in one or two sentences (no more, no less).

1.   Locational criteria
2.   Fordist manufacturing
3.   Least Cost Theory
4.   Post-Fordist manufacturing (flexible production)
5.   Global division of labor
6.   Time-space compression
7.   Deindustrialization
8.   High-technology corridor (and technipole)
9.   Washington Consensus
10. Horizontal integration
